Nicole Vance: UAND Secretary

August 26th, 2014

Nicole Vance | UAND Secretary

Nicole is a Utahan born and bred and loves living in Utah. Pancakes are her favorite food; she even had a party with a pancake bar with all the toppings you could dream of for her birthday party last year. She decided that she’d love to make that a new tradition. Isn’t that a great idea? If she could have any super power she’d choose not needing sleep, “so much more time to get things done!” Like, perhaps, running? This summer Nicole ran her first half marathon.

Nicole’s main responsibility with UAND is to help keep things organized and readily available for board members, and to help with elections when they come around. She says that her “hopes for this year are to assist the Board’s efforts of helping dietitians throughout the state reach their full potential as food and nutrition leaders, and to meet more awesome dietitians.”

She currently works as a Dietetic Internship Coordinator at Utah State University-Salt Lake. When asked what her favorite job, or dream job is she said, “at one time my dream job was to be the dietitian for Riverdance or Lord of the Dance and tour with them.  Until then, I have really enjoyed giving presentations to community, school, and student groups on various nutrition topics, as well as writing. It’s something I’ve been able to do in every job I’ve had.”

Her advice to young dietitians is “to not be afraid of things you don’t know much about. As you find out what areas of the dietetics profession you enjoy, and what your own strengths are, you’ll have opportunities to try new things. Although it can be intimidating if those are in areas you’re not as familiar with, as you challenge yourself to figure them out and to give them a try, weaknesses can become strengths.”

Posted by: UAND Social Media

Comments (1)

One response to “Nicole Vance: UAND Secretary”

  1. Marlene Israelsen says:

    This was fun to read :). Pancakes are great! Great answers and advice. I’m glad I know you…

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