Kate Geagan Awarded Nutrition Entrepreneur of the Year

September 9th, 2014

Utah dietitian Kate Geagan recently received the 2014 Nutrition Entrepreneur of the Year award from the Nutrition Entrepreneur Dietetic Practice Group. Congratulations Kate!

Kate moved to Park City from Boston 10 years ago to align her life with what her family loves to do most–skiing, hiking, and mountain biking.

She says that moving to Utah was not only “the best step for her work/life balance, but it was the driving agent of the incredible next chapter in [her] professional work-linking sustainability with our food system. It cultivated fresh thinking and gave [her] the courage to go for it.”

For the past decade she has been an international speaker, consultant, media communications expert for companies in the organic and sustainability space. She is a Blogger for Dr Oz.com and is also working on her next book. She has made 18 appearances on the Dr. Oz Show and 4 Katie Couric appearances to talk about issues that matter the most to her. She has been called a “Global Thought Leader in [her] field” by the CEO of South Africa’s largest HMO (Discovery).

She says that being a nutrition entrepreneur has taught “me early on in my career to align my passion and sense of purpose with the work I do every day-following that insight has truly been the key to any success I’ve been fortunate to have.

Find her on Twitter @greeneating or check out her website here: Kate Geagan, MS, RD

Posted by: UAND Social Media

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