Monthly UAND Member Spotlight

October 28th, 2013

Meet UAND member –

Catherine Bristow


What school did you graduate from?

Loma Linda University MPH, RD


What is your job/expertise?

Clinical Dietitian and work mostly with geriatric population


Why did you choose the field of nutrition/dietetics?

I felt like it was the best way I could make an impact in the community given the interests that I had.


What is your favorite thing about being a dietitian now?

I love working with our Veterans, hearing their War stories, their life stories and learning from the wisdom they have to offer.


How is UAND useful to you?

It provides opportunities and tools for me to grow as a dietitian and is a great way for others to find ME that might need my services.


What is your favorite food/recipe or food tradition?

Beef Stroganoff. My mom was the best cook ever. There was nothing she ever made that was not delicious. I learned as much from her as I could and now whenever our family gets together for a meal Beef Stroganoff is the #1 requested dish- it makes us all think of mom, grandma and the wonderful food we grew up on.


What are some of your hobbies and/or interesting things about yourself?

I love to sing, play the piano, teach piano, write music, and garden. I’m a closet artist. I guess I’m an artsy kind of person. I also love sports. I love coaching kids in volleyball, and love watching just about every kind of sport, although I’m not the greatest player in the world.

Posted by: UAND Social Media

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