Have you been interviewed lately? UAND would like to know about it!
Visit eatrightutah.org and use this form to submit information about your contact with the media. Information gathered in the form includes name of the RD, email address of the RD, and a link (if available) to the news story.
UAND would like to start keeping track of news stories involving RDs in the state of Utah, as well as feature these news stories on our blog and social media pages.
Here are a few recent examples of Dietitians we have seen in the news:
- Dietitian Susan Blenner talking about food safety tips for the holiday season: http://www.kutv.com/health/
features/check-health/stories/ vid_522.shtml
- Dietitian Caroline Shugart wrote an article about “health superstitions”: http://news.hjnews.com/
allaccess/article_04e92136- 60f7-11e3-9c77-0019bb2963f4. html
- Jordan School District Dietitians, Katie Bastian and Sebastian Varas talk about the school lunch program: http://www.deseretnews.com/
article/865589598/Utah- schools-find-creative-ways-to- promote-healthy-lunch.html?pg= all
- Intermountain Healthcare Dietitian Kathleen Nielson talked to KSL about avoiding weight gain during the holidays (Go to the 4th video clip to see Kathleen): http://www.ksl.com/index.php?
sid=28100874&nid=148&title= tips-for-avoiding-weight-gain- during-the-holidays
We can’t wait to hear from you!